Gallery: A Psychedelic Pilgrimage to CoSM to Meet Graham Hancock

November 4, 2013 / Blog, News / 0 Comments

On November 2, 2013, my partner Jeannine and I made a psychedelic pilgrimage to the home of artists’ Alex and Allyson Grey at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in Wappinger, NY to attend a Visionary Salon hosted by legendary author/investigative journalist, Graham Hancock, who spoke to a group of about 100 people about the mysteries of the ancients, shamanic journeys, psychedelic spirituality, and new archeological discoveries that are currently being unveiled around the world, which strongly suggest that our civilization and history is much older and richer than modern science currently accepts.

The weather was crisp and beautiful as we explored the grounds of CoSM in awe and wonder of the amazing CoSMic scene that Alex and Allyson have established there.

The grounds at CoSM are truly enchanted and there are many stimulating visual art installations from prominent visionary artists, such as Chris Dyer.

The main house is a masterpiece of Victorian design and contains many works from Alex Grey and Allyson. Unfortunately, Alex Grey’s most famous works, the Sacred Mirrors, were safely tucked away in storage, patiently awaiting the opening of the Entheon Building, once its construction is complete.

After spending time at CoSM, we both fell in love with the place and have decided to have our wedding there next year! The entire experience was life altering to say the least.

In the meantime, we look forward to visiting CoSM again very soon.


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